Satellite Implementation Guidelines#

The following guidelines should be followed when implementing a satellite base class for Constellation.


These guidelines are only relevant for developing the Constellation framework itself, not for the implementation of user satellites. These pages contain detailed technical information concerning the communication between Constellation components and the required minimal set of functionality for them to interoperate with each other.


The full canonical name of a satellite consists of its type and its name:

  • The name of the satellite is a user-chosen name, which can only consist of alphanumeric characters or underscores (in regex: \w+)

  • The type the satellite corresponds to the class name of the satellite implementation

  • The canonical name of the satellite consists of the above information in the form “”

The canonical name of a satellite must be unique and is used throughout the framework for identification. This name should appear in configuration files and will be sent as the “sending host” information in message header frames.

Satellite Startup & Shutdown#

When a new satellite application is started, the state of its FSM shall always be NEW.

Shutting down a satellite application is possible in three different ways:

  • sending the command shutdown through CSCP: The satellite shall only react to this transition when in NEW, INIT, SAFE or ERROR state.

  • requesting a graceful shutdown through SIGINT or SIGTERM signals: The satellite shall go through the interrupting transitional state if necessary and exit either from INIT or SAFE state.

  • requesting a forceful shutdown through SIGQUIT or SIGABRT signals: The satellite application should exit the process immediately.

Satellite Commands#

Each satellite must be able to understand and answer to the following commands, and it must accept or provide the corresponding payloads. Verbs and commands are always transmitted as native strings, payloads are always encoded as MsgPack objects.



verb reply

payload reply

metadata reply



Canonical name of the Satellite





Constellation version identifier string






List of commands as MsgPack map/dictionary with command names as keys and descriptions as values




Current state as string

Current state encoded as MsgPack integer

last_changed contains the time when the state last changed as MsgPack timepoint



Current status






Satellite configuration as flat MsgPack map/dictionary




Current or last run identifier (as string)




Satellite configuration as flat MsgPack map/dictionary















Partial configuration as flat MsgPack map/dictionary





Run identifier as MsgPack string














Command names shall only contain alphanumeric characters or underscores and cannot start with a digit (in regex: \D\w*). The run identifier shall only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes (in regex: [\w-]+).

FSM States#

The state can be encoded in a single-byte value.

State values with the lower four bits set to zero indicate steady states. For state values with non-zero lower four bits, the higher four bits indicate the steady state they enter into.

The following states are defined:

  • 0x10 - NEW

  • 0x12 - initializing

  • 0x20 - INIT

  • 0x23 - launching

  • 0x30 - ORBIT

  • 0x32 - landing

  • 0x33 - reconfiguring

  • 0x34 - starting

  • 0x40 - RUN

  • 0x43 - stopping

  • 0x0E - interrupting

  • 0xE0 - SAFE

  • 0xF0 - ERROR

FSM State & Transition Diagram#

The following diagram represents all possible transitions and states of the Constellation FSM. The different colors and line styles indicate different types of transitions and states:

  • Gray boxes represent steady states which are left only through an error condition or user intervention.

  • Light blue boxes represent transitional states which are exited as soon as their defined action has been completed.

  • Dark blue arrows indicate transitions triggered by user-interaction

  • Dotted lines indicate automatic transitions, triggered upon action completion

  • Dashed lines indicate transitions triggered by an error condition.

It should be noted that every state can transit into the ERROR state and corresponding arrows for these transitions are omitted from the diagram for clarity.

hide empty description

State NEW : Satellite started
State initializing #lightblue
State INIT : Satellite initialized
State launching #lightblue
State landing #lightblue
State ORBIT : Satellite ready for data acquisition
State reconfiguring #lightblue##[dotted]
State starting #lightblue
State stopping #lightblue
State RUN : Satellite taking data
State SAFE #orange
State interrupting #lightblue
State ERROR #red

[*] --> NEW
NEW -u-> [*]
NEW -[#blue,bold]d-> initializing : initialize
initializing -[dotted]d-> INIT

INIT -[#blue,bold]d-> launching : launch
INIT -u-> [*]
launching -[dotted]d-> ORBIT

ORBIT -[#blue,bold]u-> landing : land
landing -[dotted]u-> INIT

ORBIT -[#blue,bold]d-> starting : start
starting -[dotted]d-> RUN

ORBIT -[#blue,bold]u-> reconfiguring : reconfigure
reconfiguring -[dotted]d-> ORBIT
ORBIT -[dashed]r--> interrupting

RUN -[#blue,bold]u-> stopping : stop
RUN -[dashed]u--> interrupting
stopping -[dotted]u-> ORBIT

SAFE -[#blue,bold]l-> INIT : recover
SAFE -u-> [*]
interrupting -[dotted]u-> SAFE
ERROR -[#blue,bold]--> initializing : reset
ERROR -u-> [*]

Autonomous Transitions#

The satellite should automatically and autonomously initiate the interrupting transition to the SAFE steady state under the following conditions:

  • The CHP instance reports that a previously tracked remote satellite became unavailable

  • The CHP instance reports that the state of a tracked remote satellite changed to ERROR or SAFE

Data Sending and Receiving#

BOR and EOR messages of CDTP allow for the transport of both user-supplied information in the form of header tags and framework-generated information in the payload:

  • The BOR message contains user-provided metadata tags in its header and the framework-provided configuration object of the satellite as payload

  • The EOR message contains user-provided metadata tags in its header and a framework-generated dictionary with internal run metadata such as total transmitted bytes, run identifier, or timestamp of the run end.

If a data sending satellite provide the relevant information, it should add timestamp_begin and timestamp_end tags to DATA messages in CDTP, containing integer values with the timestamps in picoseconds counted since the start of the measurement marking the begin and end of this data block, respectively.