The Satellite#

The central components of a Constellation network are satellites. A satellite is a program for controlling an instrument and is built around a finite state machine. It is the only component in a Constellation which partakes in all Constellation protocols. In the following, the main features of the Constellation Satellite are described.

Type and Name#

The so-called canonical name of a satellite consists of two parts - its type and its name, separated by a dot. The type represents the type (or class) of the satellite. The name can be chosen freely and unambiguously identifies a specific satellite instance.

For example the satellite with the canonical name Sputnik.Device1 represents a satellite of type Sputnik with the name Device1. The satellite Sputnik.Device2 is of the same type but has a different name.

State and Status#

The state of a Constellation satellite is governed by its finite state machine. By referring to the current state of the satellite, it can be unequivocally deduced what actions the satellite is currently performing.

Sometimes, however, additional information is helpful in interpreting this machine-readable state information. This information is supplied by the satellite status, a human-readable string describing e.g. the last performed action during a transitional state. The status may change while remaining in the same state. In case of a failure, the status string provides information on the cause of the failure, if known or available. A typical example for a regular status information would be:


  • STATUS: “All outputs ramped to 100V”

or for a failure mode situation:


  • STATUS: “Failed to communicate with FPGA, links not locked”

Unlike the state, which is for example distributed automatically through the heartbeat protocol, the status message has to be explicitly queried via a command.

Controlling the Satellite#

The Constellation satellite class exposes a set of remote procedure calls, called “commands” in the following, through the CSCP protocol. This comprises commands to initiate state transitions of the finite state machine as well as methods to query additional information from the satellite. A brief description of the CSCP protocol is provided in the protocol section of the user guide and the full protocol definition and grammar can be found in the appendix of the developer guide.

Commands consist of a command name and an optional payload. The following commands represent the minimal set of procedures a satellite needs to implement:




Returns the canonical name of the queried satellite


Returns the Constellation version identifier the satellite has been built with


Provides a full list of the available commands for the queried satellite


Returns the current state of the satellite


Returns the current status message of the satellite


Returns the applied configuration


Returns the current or last run identifier


Requests FSM transition “initialize”. Only valid when in INIT or NEW states.


Requests FSM transition “launch”. Only valid when in INIT state.


Requests FSM transition “land”. Only valid when in ORBIT state.


Requests FSM transition “reconfigure”. Only valid when in ORBIT state.


Requests FSM transition “start”. Only valid when in ORBIT state.


Requests FSM transition “stop”. Only valid when in RUN state.


Shuts down the satellite application. This command can only be called from the NEW, INIT, SAFE and ERROR states.

Satellite implementations are allowed to amend this list with custom commands.

The Finite State Machine#

The finite state machine (FSM) controls the behavior of the satellite and guarantees that the system is always in a defined state. The FSM has been designed carefully to strike the balance between robustness, features, and simplicity. State transitions are either initiated by a controller sending transition commands through CSCP for regular operation, or by internal state changes in case of errors. In the following, the different states and their transitions are introduced, starting from regular operations and extending into the different failure modes.

Normal Operation - Steady States#

In regular operation, i.e. without unexpected incidents in the Constellation, the satellite FSM will transition between four steady states. Steady here indicates that the satellite will remain in this state until either a transition is initiated by a controller, or a failure mode is activated. The simplified state diagram for normal operation mode can be drawn like this:

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State NEW : Satellite started
State INIT : Satellite initialized
State ORBIT : Satellite powered
State RUN : Satellite taking data

NEW -right[#blue,bold]-> INIT : initialize
INIT -right[#blue,bold]-> ORBIT : launch
ORBIT -left[#blue,bold]-> INIT : land
ORBIT -[#blue,bold]-> RUN : start
ORBIT -[#blue,bold]-> ORBIT : reconfigure
RUN -left[#blue,bold]-> ORBIT : stop

The individual states of the satellite correspond to well-defined states of the attached instrument hardware as well as the satellite communication with the rest of the Constellation:

  • The NEW state is the initial state of any satellite.

    It indicates that the satellite has just been started and that no connection with a controller or other satellites in the Constellation has been made.

  • The INIT state indicates that the satellite has been initialized.

    Initialization comprises the reception of the configuration from a controller. A first connection to the instrument hardware may be made at this point, using the configuration provided by the controller.

  • The ORBIT state signals that the satellite is ready for data taking.

    When the satellite enters this state, all instrument hardware has been configured, is powered up and is ready for entering a measurement run.

  • The RUN state represents the data acquisition mode of the satellite.

    In this state, the instrument is active and queried for data, the satellite handles measurement data, i.e. obtains data from the instrument and sends it across the Constellation, or receives data and stores it to file.

Operating the Instrument - The RUN State#

The RUN state is special in that this is where the operation of the satellite takes place, data is collected and passed on and statistical metrics are distributed. Satellite implementations interact with the RUN state through the running function. The method is called once upon entering the RUN state, and should exit as soon as a state change is requested either by a controller or by a failure mode.

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State RUN {
    State start <<entryPoint>>
    State stop <<exitPoint>>
    State running
    start -right[dotted]-> running
    running -right[dotted]-> stop


Each run is assigned a run identifier via the start transition command. Run identifiers can consist of alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes. The get_run_id command always returns the currently active run identifier if the satellite is in the RUN state, or the last active run identifier in other cases. When the satellite has not yet entered the RUN state, the returned run identifier is empty.

Changing States - Transitions#

Instrument code of the individual satellites is executed in so-called transitional states. They differ from steady states in that they are entered by a state transition initiated through CSCP or a failure mode, but exited automatically upon completion of the action. Such a transition diagram is shown below:

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State NEW : Satellite started
State initializing #lightblue
State INIT : Satellite initialized

NEW -[#blue,bold]right-> initializing : initialize
initializing -[dotted]right-> INIT

In this example, the transition “initialize” is triggered by a command sent by the controller. The satellite enters the “initializing” state and works through the instrument initialization code. Upon success, the satellite automatically transitions into the “INIT” state and remains there, awaiting further transition commands.

In this scheme, actions controlling and setting up the instrument hardware directly correspond to transitional states. The following transitional states are defined in the Constellation FSM:

  • The initializing state

  • The launching state

  • The landing state

  • The starting state

  • The stopping state

In addition, the optional reconfiguring transitional state enables quick configuration updates of satellites in ORBIT state without having to pass through the INIT state. A typical example for reconfiguration is a high-voltage power supply unit, which is slowly ramped up to its target voltage in the launching state. Between runs, the applied voltage is supposed to be changed by a few volts - and instead of the time-consuming operation ramping down via the landing transition and ramping up again, the voltage is ramped directly from its current value to the target value in the reconfigure transitional state:

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State INIT : Satellite initialized
State launching #lightblue
State landing #lightblue
State ORBIT : Satellite orbiting
State reconfiguring #lightblue##[dotted]

INIT -right[#blue,bold]-> launching : launch
launching -down[dotted]-> ORBIT
ORBIT -left[#blue,bold]-> landing : land
landing -up[dotted]-> INIT

ORBIT -[#blue,bold]down-> reconfiguring : reconfigure
reconfiguring -[dotted]up-> ORBIT

This transition needs to be specifically implemented in individual satellites in order to make this transition available in the FSM.

Failure Modes & Safe State#

Satellites operate autonomously in the Constellation, and no central controller instance is required to run. Controllers are only required to initiate state transitions out of steady satellite states as described above. This situation implies that a mechanism should be in place to deal with unexpected events occurring in the operation of a single satellite, but also within the entire Constellation. For this purpose, the satellite FSM knows two additional steady states:

The ERROR state is entered whenever an unexpected event occurs within the instrument control or the data transfer. This state can only be left by a manual intervention via a controller by resetting the satellite back into its INIT state.

The SAFE state on the other hand, is entered by the satellite when detecting an issue with another satellite in the Constellation. This awareness of the Constellation status is achieved with the help of heartbeats. Each satellite in the Constellation transmits its current state as a heartbeat at regular intervals. This allows other satellites to react if the communicated status contains the ERROR state - or if the heartbeat is absent for a defined period of time. The SAFE state resembles that of an uncrewed spacecraft, where all non-essential systems are shut down and only essential functions such as communication and attitude control are active. For a Constellation satellite this could encompass powering down instruments or switching off voltages. Also this state can only be left by a manual intervention via a controller, and the satellite will transfer back to its INIT state.

The main difference between the two failure states is the possible statement about the condition of the respective satellite. The SAFE state is achieved via a controlled shutdown of components and is a well-defined procedure, while the ERROR state is entered, for example, through a lack of control or communication with the instrument and therefore does not allow any statement to be made about the condition of attached hardware.

More details about the autonomous operation of a Constellation can be found in the respective section of the manual.