Presentation & Live Demo @ BTTB12#

Today, we presented a first prototype of Constellation at the 12th Beam Telescopes & Test Beams Workshop in Edinburgh. The presentation included a live demo of some first components such as network discovery, logging and satellite control.

This is the abstract of the presentation:

The qualification of new detectors in test beam environments presents a dynamic setting that demands the stable operation of diverse devices equipped with different Data Acquisition (DAQ) systems. This complexity necessitates a system capable of controlling the data taking, monitoring the experimental setup, facilitating seamless configuration, and easy integration of new devices.

These requirements closely parallel the demands of a Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. Collaborative efforts between DESY, DVel, Lund University, and the University of Hamburg have led to the exploration of SCADA system concepts tailored for laboratory and test beam environments, resulting in the development of a new framework named Constellation.

In this contribution, a first implementation of a satellite (an element of a constellation) will be showcased. The concepts of Constellation, its current status, and an overview of the project will be presented.

The Indico contribution with slide deck is available here.