Data Transmission#

See also

For the basic concepts behind data transmission and processing in Constellation check the chapter in the operator’s guide.

Transmitting Data#

Any satellite that wishes to transmit measurement data for storage should inherit from the TransmitterSatellite class instead of the regular Satellite class. This class implements the connection and transmission to data receivers in the Constellation in a transparent way.

Data will only be transmitted in the RUN state. It is always preceded by a begin-of-run (BOR) message sent by the framework after the starting() function has successfully been executed, and it is followed by a end-of-run (EOR) message send automatically after the stopping() function has succeeded.

Data messages are created and sent in three steps. First, the data message is created, optionally allocating the number of frames it will contain if known already. Subsequently, these frames are added to the message:

// Creating a new data message with two frames pre-allocated:
auto msg = newDataMessage(2);


C++ Move semantics std::move are strongly encouraged here in order to avoid copying memory as described below.

Finally, the message is send to the connected receiver via one of the following two methods:

  • The data can be sent with a preconfigured timeout. If the transmitter fails to send the data within this configured time window, an exception is thrown and the satellite transitions into the ERROR state. This is the most commonly used method of transmitting data and ensuring that there is no data loss.

  • The second option is to handle potential issues in transmitting the data in satellite code. In this case, the message should be sent via

    auto sent = trySendDataMessage(msg);

    The boolean return value indicates if the sending was successful or failed. Either another attempt of sending the message can be undertaken, or the message can be discarded. It should be noted that the trySendDataMessage() method is annotated with the [[nodiscard]] keyword, indicating that the return value cannot be discarded and has to be used.

Data messages contain a header with the canonical name of the sending satellite, the current system time when creating the message and a continuous sequence number. This means there is no need to separately count messages in user code.


Data Format & Performance#

Constellation makes no assumption on the data stored in message frames. All data is stored in frames, handled as binary blob and transmitted as such. The message frames of data messages are designed for minimum data copy and maximum speed. A data message can contain any number of frames.

The DataMessage::addFrame() function takes so-called payload buffer as argument. Consequently, the data to be transmitted has to be converted into such a PayloadBuffer. For the most common C++ ranges like std::vector or std::array, moving the object into the payload buffer with std::move() is sufficient.

See also

Since the data transmission protocol as well as the event metadata come with additional overhead, the largest data throughput depends on the frame size as well as on the number of frames transmitted by a single message. For performance considerations, it is advised to read Increase Data Rate in C++.



Constellation provides the option to attach metadata to each message sent by the satellite. There are three possibilities:

  • Metadata available at the beginning of the run such as additional hardware information or firmware revisions can be attached to the begin-of-run (BOR) message. This has to be performed in the starting() function:

    void ExampleSatellite::starting(std::string_view /*run_identifier*/) {
        setBORTag("firmware_version", version);

    In addition to these user-provided tags, the payload of the BOR message contains the full satellite configuration.

  • Similarly, for metadata only available at the end of the run such as aggregate statistics, end-of-run (EOR) tags can be set in the stopping() function:

    void ExampleSatellite::stopping() {
        setEORTag("total_pixels", pixel_count);

    In addition to these user-provided tags, the payload of the EOR message contains aggregate data on the run provided by the framework such as the total number of messages sent.

  • Finally, metadata can be attached to each individual data message sent during the run:

    // Create a new message
    auto msg = newDataMessage();
    // Add timestamps in picoseconds
    msg.addTag("timestamp_begin", ts_start_pico);
    msg.addTag("timestamp_end", ts_end_pico);