Controlling with MissionControl#
MissionControl is a graphical Controller for Constellation. This tutorial demonstrates how to use MissionControl to control multiple satellites, including initialization and taking data.
See also
It is recommend to read through the tutorial on how to start and control a single satellite first.
Starting MissionControl#
MissionControl is started using the MissionControl
command or by searching for it in the application overview if
installed system-wide. On startup, the group name of the Constellation which should be controlled needs to be provided.
Alternatively, MissionControl can be started with a group directly using the -g GROUP
command line argument.
The main window of Constellation can be divided into three parts:
Information about the entire Constellation on top
A section for controlling the entire Constellation
A list of all connected satellites
Initializing the Constellation#
In order to control satellites, some satellites need to be started as part of the same group. In this tutorial,
three Sputnik
satellites named One
, Two
and Three
, a RandomTransmitter
named Sender
and a EudaqNativeWriter
named Receiver
are started.
To initialize the satellites, the following configuration files is used:
interval = 3000
interval = 2500
output_directory = "/tmp/test"
Make sure to create the output directory for the EudaqNativeWriter
The configuration file can be selected with the Select button. Then, the satellites can be initialized using
the Initialize button. Once the button is clicking, a warning will appear that Sputnik.Three
is not
mentioned explicitly in the configuration - this is a measure to prevent typos in configuration files. However in this case,
the initialization can be continued by clicking Ok.
Any satellites not explicitly mentioned will still be initialized. The configuration is generated from the global
section and from the type specific section, e.g. [satellites.Sputnik]
. If these do not exist, an empty
configuration is sent.
After the initializing, all satellites besides the EudaqNativeWriter
are now in the INIT state. The
initialization for the EudaqNativeWriter
satellite failed, which resulted in the satellite being in the
ERROR state.
Before this will be fixed, it is worth taking a look at the top part of the window. Besides the information about the group and number of connected satellites, there is also a state information. This includes the lowest state of all satellites. If the state is “mixed”, meaning that not all satellites have the same state, the lowest state is followed by “≊”.
See also
More details on the finite state machine can be found in the satellite chapter.
The reason why the initialization of the EudaqNativeWriter
failed becomes clear after checking its log messages either via the console output or a logging user interface:
Critical failure during transition: Key ‘_data_transmitters’ does not exist
The _data_transmitters
configuration parameter is mandatory information and contains the canonical name of all satellites from which
the receiver should receive data. The canonical name is SATELLITE_TYPE.SATELLITE_NAME
, which in this case corresponds to
. In order to correct this and allow a successful initialization, the file should be adapted as follows:
interval = 3000
interval = 2500
_data_transmitters = ["RandomTransmitter.Sender"]
output_directory = "/tmp/test"
MissionControl parses the file anew every time the configuration is requested - it is thus not required to select or reload the same configuration file again.
With the amended configuration, all satellites can be initialized properly by clicking Initialize again.
Instead of initializing all satellites, it also possible to just initialize the satellite that failed to initialize More details on controlling single satellites are given later in the tutorial in Controlling Individual Satellites.
Taking Data#
The next step is to start taking some data. To do this, the satellites first need to launched to the ORBIT state. In this state, the configuration send during the initialization is actually applied such that the satellites are ready for immediate data taking. The satellites can be launched by clicking the Launch button.
Data taking is organized in “runs”: when data taking is started, a new run begins, and a run ends when data taking is stopped. In Constellation, each run has a run identifier, which can be given in the control section of the MissionControl window. Next to the run identifier field is a run sequence counter. This number is appended to the run identifier and increased every time a run ended. In the top right of the MissionControl window the current or next run identifier is shown.
See also
More information on runs and their properties can be found in the Data Processing section of this guide.
A new run can be started by clicking the Start button.
After a run has started, the state switched to RUN and the run duration timer in the top right starts. While data is being taken, the controller can be closed without any impact on the data taking since the satellites operate autonomously. This allows closing and re-opening of user interfaces such as the controller without interrupting data taking or even taking down the entire Constellation. When the controller is restarted, the run identifier and run duration are fetched from the Constellation automatically.
The run can be stopped by clicking the Stop button. After this, the run sequence counter increases by one. To shutdown the satellites or change the configuration, the satellites need to be returned to the INIT state, which is done by clicking the Land button.
Controlling Individual Satellites#
With MissionControl it is possible to control satellites individually when required. This is done by right-clicking on a satellite in the satellite list. The menu gives access to all commands that satellite offers.
In this tutorial, the configuration of the RandomTransmitter
satellite is fetched. After the command is sent, a window
appears containing the “payload” of the answer, which in this case is a dictionary with the configuration. A satellite
might also reply with a string, which is shown in as last message in the satellite list.
Deducing the Configuration of the Constellation#
Satellites are operating independently of any controller, and it is possible to start multiple controllers. This allows to quickly check in on the Constellation without the need to access a specific computer. However, controllers do not necessarily have access to the same configuration file. To alleviate this problem, the configuration of all satellites can be deduced from the Constellation itself. This can be achieved by clicking the Deduce button. This will store a configuration file with the following content:
interval = 2500
interval = 3000
interval = 3000
_bor_timeout = 10
_data_timeout = 10
_eor_timeout = 10
frame_size = 1024
number_of_frames = 1
seed = 77
_data_transmitters = [ 'RandomTransmitter.Sender' ]
_eor_timeout = 10
allow_overwriting = false
flush_interval = 3
output_directory = '/tmp/test'
This configuration contains all parameters, including default parameters. While giving identical results during initialization, it should not be seen as a replacement for the canonical configuration file which might be better grouped or potentially contains important comments.