using constellation::config::value_t = std::variant<std::monostate, bool, std::int64_t, double, std::string, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point, std::vector<bool>, std::vector<char>, std::vector<std::int64_t>, std::vector<double>, std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::chrono::system_clock::time_point>>#
Value type for Dictionary using std::variant
Allowed types: nil, bool, int64, double, string, time point, vectors of bool, int64, double, string, time point, bytes (vector of char)
class Configuration#
- #include <constellation/core/config/Configuration.hpp>
Generic configuration object storing keys.
The configuration holds a set of keys with arbitrary values that are internally stored as std::variant.
Public Types
enum class Group : std::uint8_t#
enumerator ALL#
All configuration key-value pairs, both user and internal
enumerator USER#
Configuration key-value pairs intended for framework users
enumerator INTERNAL#
Configuration key-value pairs intended for internal framework usage
enumerator ALL#
Public Functions
Configuration() = default#
Construct an empty configuration object.
~Configuration() = default#
Configuration(const Dictionary &dict, bool mark_used = false)#
Construct a configuration object from a dictionary.
- Parameters:
dict – Dictionary to construct configuration object from
mark_used – Whether to mark the key-value pairs in the dict as used
inline bool has(const std::string &key) const#
Check if key is defined.
Keys are handled case-insensitively
- Parameters:
key – Key to check for existence
- Returns:
True if key exists, false otherwise
std::size_t count(std::initializer_list<std::string> keys) const#
Check how many of the given keys are defined.
This is useful to check if two or more conflicting configuration keys that are defined.
Keys are handled case-insensitively
- Parameters:
keys – Keys to check for existence
- Returns:
number of existing keys from the given list
template<typename T>
T get(const std::string &key) const# Get value of a key in requested type.
Keys are handled case-insensitively
- Parameters:
key – Key to get value of
- Throws:
MissingKeyError – If the requested key is not defined
InvalidTypeError – If the conversion to the requested type did not succeed
InvalidTypeError – If an overflow happened while converting the key
- Returns:
Value of the key in the type of the requested template parameter
template<typename T>
T get(const std::string &key, const T &def)# Get value of a key in requested type or default value if it does not exists.
Keys are handled case-insensitively
- Parameters:
key – Key to get value of
def – Default value to set if key is not defined
- Throws:
InvalidKeyError – If the conversion to the requested type did not succeed
InvalidKeyError – If an overflow happened while converting the key
- Returns:
Value of the key in the type of the requested template parameter or the default value if the key does not exists
template<typename T>
inline std::vector<T> getArray(const std::string &key) const# Get values for a key containing an array.
Keys are handled case-insensitively
- Parameters:
key – Key to get values of
- Throws:
MissingKeyError – If the requested key is not defined
InvalidKeyError – If the conversion to the requested type did not succeed
InvalidKeyError – If an overflow happened while converting the key
- Returns:
List of values in the array in the requested template parameter
template<typename T>
std::vector<T> getArray(const std::string &key, const std::vector<T> &def)# Get values for a key containing an array or default array if it does not exists.
Keys are handled case-insensitively
- Parameters:
key – Key to get values of
def – Default value array to set if key is not defined
- Throws:
InvalidKeyError – If the conversion to the requested type did not succeed
InvalidKeyError – If an overflow happened while converting the key
- Returns:
List of values in the array in the requested template parameter or the default array if the key does not exist
std::string getText(const std::string &key) const#
Get literal value of a key as string.
This function does also not remove quotation marks in strings, Keys are handled case-insensitively
- Parameters:
key – Key to get values of
- Returns:
Literal value of the key
std::filesystem::path getPath(const std::string &key, bool check_exists = false) const#
Get absolute path to file with paths relative to the configuration.
Keys are handled case-insensitively
- Parameters:
key – Key to get path of
check_exists – If the file should be checked for existence (if yes always returns a canonical path)
- Throws:
InvalidValueError – If the path did not exists while the check_exists parameter is given
- Returns:
Absolute path to a file
std::filesystem::path getPathWithExtension(const std::string &key, const std::string &extension, bool check_exists = false) const#
Get absolute path to file with paths relative to the configuration.
Keys are handled case-insensitively
- Parameters:
key – Key to get path of
extension – File extension to be added to path if not present
check_exists – If the file should be checked for existence (if yes always returns a canonical path)
- Throws:
InvalidValueError – If the path did not exists while the check_exists parameter is given
- Returns:
Absolute path to a file
std::vector<std::filesystem::path> getPathArray(const std::string &key, bool check_exists = false) const#
Get array of absolute paths to files with paths relative to the configuration.
Keys are handled case-insensitively
- Parameters:
key – Key to get path of
check_exists – If the files should be checked for existence (if yes always returns a canonical path)
- Throws:
InvalidValueError – If the path did not exists while the check_exists parameter is given
- Returns:
List of absolute path to all the requested files
template<typename T>
void set(const std::string &key, const T &val, bool mark_used = false)# Set value for a key in a given type.
Keys are handled case-insensitively and stored in lower case.
- Parameters:
key – Key to set value of
val – Value to assign to the key
mark_used – Flag whether key should be marked as “used” directly
template<typename T>
inline void setArray(const std::string &key, const std::vector<T> &val, bool mark_used = false)# Set list of values for a key in a given type.
Keys are handled case-insensitively and stored in lower case.
- Parameters:
key – Key to set values of
val – List of values to assign to the key
mark_used – Flag whether key should be marked as “used” directly
template<typename T>
void setDefault(const std::string &key, const T &val)# Set default value for a key only if it is not defined yet.
This marks the default key as “used” automatically
Keys are handled case-insensitively and stored in lower case.
- Parameters:
key – Key to possible set value of
val – Value to assign if the key is not defined yet
template<typename T>
void setDefaultArray(const std::string &key, const std::vector<T> &val)# Set default list of values for a key only if it is not defined yet.
This marks the default key as “used” automatically
Keys are handled case-insensitively and stored in lower case.
- Parameters:
key – Key to possible set values of
val – List of values to assign to the key if the key is not defined yet
void setAlias(const std::string &new_key, const std::string &old_key, bool warn = false)#
Set alias name for an already existing key.
This marks the old key as “used” automatically. Keys are handled case-insensitively and stored in lower case.
- Parameters:
new_key – New alias to be created
old_key – Key the alias is created for
warn – Optionally print a warning message to notify of deprecation
std::size_t size(Group group = Group::ALL, Usage usage = Usage::ANY) const#
Get number of key-value pairs for specific group and usage setting.
- Parameters:
group – Enum to restrict group of key-value pairs to include
usage – Enum to restrict usage status of key-value pairs to include
- Returns:
Number of key-value pairs
Dictionary getDictionary(Group group = Group::ALL, Usage usage = Usage::ANY) const#
Get dictionary with key-value pairs for specific group and usage setting.
- Parameters:
group – Enum to restrict group of key-value pairs to include
usage – Enum to restrict usage status of key-value pairs to include
- Returns:
Dictionary containing the key-value pairs
void update(const Configuration &other)#
Update with keys from another configuration, potentially overriding keys in this configuration.
This function only updates values that are actually used
- Parameters:
other – Configuration with updated values
enum class Group : std::uint8_t#
class ConfigurationError : public constellation::utils::RuntimeError#
- #include <constellation/core/config/exceptions.hpp>
Base class for all configurations exceptions in the framework.
Subclassed by constellation::config::InvalidCombinationError, constellation::config::InvalidTypeError, constellation::config::InvalidValueError, constellation::config::MissingKeyError
class Dictionary : public std::map<std::string, Value>#
- #include <constellation/core/config/Dictionary.hpp>
Dictionary type with serialization functions for MessagePack and ZeroMQ
Public Functions
void msgpack_pack(msgpack::packer<msgpack::sbuffer> &msgpack_packer) const#
Pack dictionary with msgpack
void msgpack_unpack(const msgpack::object &msgpack_object)#
Unpack dictionary with msgpack
message::PayloadBuffer assemble() const#
Assemble dictionary via msgpack to message payload
std::string to_string(bool prefix = true) const#
Convert dictionary to human readable string.
- Parameters:
prefix – If true prefix the first line with a newline if dictionary not empty
- Returns:
String with one line for each key-value pair
Public Static Functions
template<typename T>
static inline Dictionary fromMap(const std::map<std::string, T> &map)# Create a dictionary object directly from a map with string keys
static Dictionary disassemble(const message::PayloadBuffer &message)#
Disassemble dictionary from message payload
void msgpack_pack(msgpack::packer<msgpack::sbuffer> &msgpack_packer) const#
class InvalidCombinationError : public constellation::config::ConfigurationError#
- #include <constellation/core/config/exceptions.hpp>
Indicates an error with a combination of configuration keys.
Should be raised if a disallowed combination of keys is used, such as two optional parameters which cannot be used at the same time because they contradict each other.
Public Functions
InvalidCombinationError(const Configuration &config, std::initializer_list<std::string> keys, const std::string &reason = "")#
Construct an error for an invalid combination of keys.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object containing the problematic key combination
keys – List of names of the conflicting keys
reason – Reason why the key combination is invalid (empty if no explicit reason)
InvalidCombinationError(const Configuration &config, std::initializer_list<std::string> keys, const std::string &reason = "")#
class InvalidTypeError : public constellation::config::ConfigurationError#
- #include <constellation/core/config/exceptions.hpp>
Indicates a problem converting the value of a configuration key to the value it should represent.
Public Functions
inline InvalidTypeError(std::string_view key, std::string_view vtype, std::string_view type, std::string_view reason = "")#
Construct an error for a value with an invalid type.
- Parameters:
key – Name of the corresponding key
vtype – Type of the stored value
type – Type the value should have been converted to
reason – Reason why the conversion failed
inline InvalidTypeError(std::string_view key, std::string_view vtype, std::string_view type, std::string_view reason = "")#
class InvalidValueError : public constellation::config::ConfigurationError#
- #include <constellation/core/config/exceptions.hpp>
Indicates an error with the contents of value.
Should be raised if the data contains valid data for its type (otherwise an InvalidTypeError should have been raised earlier), but the value is not in the range of allowed values.
Public Functions
InvalidValueError(const Configuration &config, const std::string &key, const std::string &reason = "")#
Construct an error for an invalid value.
- Parameters:
config – Configuration object containing the invalid value
key – Name of the problematic key
reason – Reason why the value is invalid (empty if no explicit reason)
InvalidValueError(const std::string &value, const std::string &key, const std::string &reason = "")#
Construct an error for an invalid value.
- Parameters:
value – invalid value
key – Name of the problematic key
reason – Reason why the value is invalid (empty if no explicit reason)
InvalidValueError(const Configuration &config, const std::string &key, const std::string &reason = "")#
class List : public std::vector<Value>#
- #include <constellation/core/config/Dictionary.hpp>
List type with serialization functions for MessagePack
Subclassed by constellation::gui::QCommandParameters
Public Functions
void msgpack_pack(msgpack::packer<msgpack::sbuffer> &msgpack_packer) const#
Pack list with msgpack
void msgpack_unpack(const msgpack::object &msgpack_object)#
Unpack list with msgpack
message::PayloadBuffer assemble() const#
Assemble list via msgpack to message payload
std::string to_string() const#
Convert list to human readable string.
- Returns:
String with one line for each value starting
void msgpack_pack(msgpack::packer<msgpack::sbuffer> &msgpack_packer) const#
class MissingKeyError : public constellation::config::ConfigurationError#
- #include <constellation/core/config/exceptions.hpp>
Informs of a missing key that should have been defined.
Public Functions
inline MissingKeyError(const std::string &key)#
Construct an error for a missing key.
- Parameters:
key – Name of the missing key
inline MissingKeyError(const std::string &key)#
class Value : public value_t#
- #include <constellation/core/config/Value.hpp>
Augmented std::variant with MsgPack packer and unpacker routines.
Public Functions
template<typename T>
Value &operator=(const T &value)# Assignment operator for better handling, automatic conversion of variant types to Value.
- Parameters:
value – Value to be set
std::string str() const#
Convert value to string representation.
- Returns:
String representation of the value
template<typename T>
T get() const# Get value in requested type.
- Throws:
invalid_argument – If the conversion to the requested type did not succeed
bad_variant_access – If no suitable conversion was found and direct access did not succeed
- Returns:
Value in the type of the requested template parameter
inline std::string demangle() const#
Demangle type held by the Value.
- Returns:
Demangled name of the currently held type
void msgpack_pack(msgpack::packer<msgpack::sbuffer> &msgpack_packer) const#
Pack value with msgpack
void msgpack_unpack(const msgpack::object &msgpack_object)#
Unpack value with msgpack
message::PayloadBuffer assemble() const#
Assemble list via msgpack to message payload
Public Static Functions
template<typename T>