
This page documents the logging facilities for the Constellation C++ implementation.

Logging Macros#

The following macros should be used for any logging. They ensure proper evaluation of logging levels and additional conditions before the stream is evaluated.



Logs a message for a given level either to the default logger or a defined logger. The stream expression is only evaluated if logging should take place.

This macro takes either one or two arguments:

logger is the optional constellation::log::Logger instance to use and level indicates the verbosity level on which to log.


Logs a message if a given condition is true to either the default logger or a defined logger. The given condition is evaluated after it was determined if logging should take place based on the provided level.

This macro takes either two or three arguments:

logger is the optional constellation::log::Logger instance to use, level indicates the verbosity level on which to log and condition represents the condition to be fulfilled before logging.


Logs a message at most N times either to the default logger or a defined logger.

This macro takes either two or three arguments:

logger is the optional constellation::log::Logger instance to use, level indicates the verbosity level on which to log and count is the maximum number of times this message is logged.


Logs a message at most one time either to the default logger or a defined logger. This macro is equivalent to LOG_N(…,1).

This macro takes either one or two arguments:

logger is the optional constellation::log::Logger instance to use and level indicates the verbosity level on which to log.


Logs a message every Nth time the logging macro is called either to the default logger or a defined logger.

This macro takes either two or three arguments:

logger is the optional constellation::log::Logger instance to use, level indicates the verbosity level on which to log and count is the interval of calls to the macro at which the message will be logged.

constellation::log Namespace#

enum class constellation::log::Level : int#

Log levels for the Constellation framework

The chosen values allows for direct casting to spdlog::level::level_enum and correspond to the levels defined in the CMDP protocol.


enumerator TRACE#

verbose information which allows to follow the call stack of the host program.

enumerator DEBUG#

information relevant to developers for debugging the host program.

enumerator INFO#

information on regular events intended for end users of the host program.

enumerator WARNING#

notify the end user of the host program of unexpected events which require further investigation.

enumerator STATUS#

communicate important information about the host program to the end user with low frequency.

enumerator CRITICAL#

notify the end user about critical events which require immediate attention and MAY have triggered an automated response by the host program or other hosts.

enumerator OFF#

no logging

spdlog::level::level_enum constellation::log::to_spdlog_level(Level level)#

Helper function to convert Constellation verbosity levels to spdlog::Level::level_enum values


level – Constellation verbosity level


spdlog level value

Level constellation::log::from_spdlog_level(spdlog::level::level_enum level)#

Helper function to convert spdlog::Level::level_enum values to Constellation verbosity levels


level – spdlog level value


Constellation verbosity constellation::log::Level

template<typename LevelL, typename LevelR>
Level constellation::log::min_level(LevelL lhs, LevelR rhs)#

Compare two logging levels and return the lower one

Template Parameters:
  • LevelL – left logging level type

  • LevelR – right logging level type

  • lhs – Left logging level

  • rhs – Right logging level


Minimum Constellation verbosity constellation::log::Level

class CMDPSink : public spdlog::sinks::base_sink<std::mutex>#
#include <constellation/core/log/CMDPSink.hpp>

Sink log messages via CMDP

Note that ZeroMQ sockets are not thread-safe, meaning that the sink requires a mutex.

Public Functions

CMDPSink(std::shared_ptr<zmq::context_t> context)#

Construct a new CMDPSink.


context – ZMQ context to be used

~CMDPSink() override#

Deconstruct the CMDPSink.

inline networking::Port getPort() const#

Get ephemeral port this logger sink is bound to.


Port number

void enableSending(std::string sender_name)#

Set sender name and enable sending by starting the subscription thread.


sender_name – Canonical name of the sender

void sinkMetric(metrics::MetricValue metric_value)#

Sink metric


metric_value – Metric value to sink

Protected Functions

void sink_it_(const spdlog::details::log_msg &msg) final#
inline void flush_() final#
class Logger#
#include <constellation/core/log/Logger.hpp>

Logger class that to log messages via CMDP and to the console

This class implements a wrapper around the spdlog logger and provides additional features such as the possibility to perform logging using streams (with << syntax rather than enclosing the log message in parentheses)

Public Functions

Logger(std::string_view topic)#

Constructor a new logger.


topic – Topic of the logger (which is the name of the spdlog logger)

virtual ~Logger()#
inline bool shouldLog(Level level) const#

Check if a message should be logged given the currently configured log level.


level – Log level to be tested against the logger configuration


Boolean indicating if the message should be logged

inline Level getLogLevel() const#

Return the current log level of the logger.


This should not be used to determine if logging should take place, instead shouldLog() should be used


Current log level

inline const std::string &getLogTopic() const#

Return the topic of the logger.


Log topic

inline LogStream log(Level level, std::source_location src_loc = std::source_location::current()) const#

Log a message using a stream.

  • level – Log level of the log message

  • src_loc – Source code location from which the log message emitted


LogStream to which the log message can be streamed

inline void log(Level level, std::string_view message, std::source_location src_loc = std::source_location::current()) const#

Log a message.

  • level – Level of the log message

  • message – Log message

  • src_loc – Source code location from which the log message emitted

void flush()#

Flush each spdlog sink (synchronously)

Public Static Functions

static Logger &getDefault()#

Return the default logger.

Protected Functions

inline Logger(std::shared_ptr<spdlog::async_logger> spdlog_logger)#
class LogStream : public std::ostringstream#
#include <constellation/core/log/Logger.hpp>

Log stream that executes logging upon its destruction

Public Functions

inline LogStream(const Logger &logger, Level level, std::source_location src_loc)#
inline ~LogStream() final#
class ProxySink : public spdlog::sinks::base_sink<std::mutex>#
#include <constellation/core/log/ProxySink.hpp>

Proxy sink for spdlog to define log level independent from global sink level

Public Functions

inline ProxySink(std::shared_ptr<spdlog::sinks::sink> sink)#

Construct a new proxy sink


sink – Shared pointer to sink for which to proxy

Protected Functions

inline void sink_it_(const spdlog::details::log_msg &msg) final#
inline void flush_() final#
class SinkManager#
#include <constellation/core/log/SinkManager.hpp>

Global sink manager.

This class manager the console and CMDP sinks and can creates new spdlog loggers.

Public Functions

~SinkManager() = default#
inline networking::Port getCMDPPort() const#

Get the ephemeral port to which the CMDP sink is bound to.


Port number

void enableCMDPSending(std::string sender_name)#

Enable sending via CMDP.


sender_name – Canonical name of the satellite

inline void sendCMDPMetric(metrics::MetricValue metric_value)#

Send metric via the CMDP sink


metric_value – Metric value to sink

std::shared_ptr<spdlog::async_logger> getLogger(std::string_view topic)#

Get an asynchronous spdlog logger with a given topic.

This creates a new logger if no logger with the given topic exists


topic – Topic of the logger


Shared pointer to the logger

inline std::shared_ptr<spdlog::async_logger> getDefaultLogger() const#

Return the default logger.

void setConsoleLevels(Level global_level, std::map<std::string, Level> topic_levels = {})#

Set the console log levels.

  • global_level – Global log level for console output

  • topic_levels – Log level overwrites for specific topics

void updateCMDPLevels(Level cmdp_global_level, std::map<std::string_view, Level> cmdp_sub_topic_levels = {})#

Update individual logger levels from CMDP subscriptions.

  • cmdp_global_level – Global subscription level

  • cmdp_sub_topic_levels – Map of individual logger subscription levels

Public Static Functions

static SinkManager &getInstance()#