Release Process#

Here the release process for Constellation is described.

Updating the Version and Code Name#

Constellation roughly follows semantic versioning, i.e. MAJOR.FEATURE.PATCH. The major version should only be increased when incompatible changes are introduced, the feature version only when new features are added.


Currently, Constellation is in a draft state at major version 0 and without patch releases. Incompatible changes may be introduced in any release until major version 1.

Each major and feature release of Constellation has a code name, chosen from the IAU designated constellations in order of increasing solid angle they take up in the sky.

The new version and code name need to be adjusted in the top-level file before the release.

Publishing the Release Notes#

The release notes need to be created in the website repository.


The release notes should be published before the release changes are merged into the main repository.

Updating the Metadata#

The metadata file located in docs/etc needs to be updated with a new release entry, which might look like:

<release version="0.3" date="2025-01-17">
  <url type="details"></url>
    <p>Release of Constellation Sagitta</p>

Note that the URL with the release notes needs to be updated to the published release notes.

Creating the Release#

The release on GitLab is created when an annotated tag (git tag -s or git tag -m) is pushed. The tag has to follow the vMAJOR.FEATURE.PATCH naming scheme.

After the tag pipelines finished and the release is created on GitLab, the release should be edited to add the URL to the release notes as release asset.

Releasing on Flathub#

The new release should be pushed to the Flathub repository. This is done by updating the URL in the manifest to the full source code from the GitLab release assets.