template<typename MESSAGE, protocol::CHIRP::ServiceIdentifier SERVICE, zmq::socket_type SOCKET_TYPE>
class BasePool# - #include <constellation/core/pools/BasePool.hpp>
Abstract Base pool class.
This class registers a CHIRP callback for the services defined via the template parameter, listens to incoming messages and forwards them to a callback registered upon creation of the socket.
- Template Parameters:
MESSAGE – Constellation Message class to be decoded
SERVICE – CHIRP service to connect to
SOCKET_TYPE – ZeroMQ socket type of connection
Public Functions
BasePool(std::string_view log_topic, std::function<void(MESSAGE&&)> callback)#
Construct BasePool.
- Parameters:
log_topic – Logger topic to be used for this component
callback – Callback function pointer for received messages
virtual ~BasePool() = default#
Destruct BasePool.
has to be called before the pool can be safely destructed
void checkPoolException()#
Check if pool thread has thrown an exception.
- Throws:
Exception – thrown by pool thread, if any
void startPool()#
Start the pool thread and send the CHIRP requests.
void stopPool()#
Stop the pool thread.
inline std::size_t pollerEvents()#
Return number of events returned by
inline std::size_t countSockets()#
Return the number of currently connected sockets.
Protected Functions
virtual bool should_connect(const chirp::DiscoveredService &service)#
Method to select which services to connect to. By default this pool connects to all discovered services, derived pools may implement selection criteria.
- Parameters:
service – The discovered service
- Returns:
Boolean indicating whether a connection should be opened
virtual void host_connected(const chirp::DiscoveredService &service)#
Method for derived classes to act on newly connected hosts.
- Parameters:
service – Service of the newly connected host
virtual void host_disconnected(const chirp::DiscoveredService &service)#
Method for derived classes to act on sockets before disconnecting.
- Parameters:
service – Service of the disconnected host
virtual void host_disposed(const chirp::DiscoveredService &service)#
Method for derived classes to act on sockets that are removed because their endpoint is dead.
- Parameters:
service – Service of the disconnected host
inline std::map<chirp::DiscoveredService, zmq::socket_t> &get_sockets()#
Return all connected sockets.
Read access to the sockets needs to be protected with
- Returns:
Maps that maps the discovered service to the corresponding ZeroMQ sockets
template<typename MESSAGE, protocol::CHIRP::ServiceIdentifier SERVICE>
class SubscriberPool : public constellation::pools::BasePool<MESSAGE, SERVICE, zmq::socket_type::sub># - #include <constellation/core/pools/SubscriberPool.hpp>
Abstract Subscriber pool class
This class registers a CHIRP callback for the services defined via the template parameter, listens to incoming messages and forwards them to a callback registered upon creation of the subscriber socket.
Duplicate subscriptions also require duplicate unsubscriptions, this class does not contain any logic to to track subscription states.
Public Functions
SubscriberPool(std::string_view log_topic, std::function<void(MESSAGE&&)> callback)#
Construct SubscriberPool.
- Parameters:
log_topic – Logger topic to be used for this component
callback – Callback function pointer for received messages
void subscribe(std::string_view host, std::string_view topic)#
Subscribe to a given topic of a specific host.
- Parameters:
host – Canonical name of the host to subscribe to
topic – Topic to subscribe to
void subscribe(message::MD5Hash host_id, std::string_view topic)#
Subscribe to a given topic of a specific host.
- Parameters:
host_id – MD5 hash of canonical name of the host to subscribe to
topic – Topic to subscribe to
void subscribe(std::string_view topic)#
Subscribe to a given topic for all connected hosts.
- Parameters:
topic – Topic to subscribe to
void unsubscribe(std::string_view host, std::string_view topic)#
Unsubscribe from a given topic of a specific host.
- Parameters:
host – Canonical name of the host to unsubscribe from
topic – Topic to unsubscribe
void unsubscribe(message::MD5Hash host_id, std::string_view topic)#
Unsubscribe from a given topic of a specific host.
- Parameters:
host_id – MD5 hash of canonical name of the host to unsubscribe from
topic – Topic to unsubscribe
void unsubscribe(std::string_view topic)#
Unsubscribe from a given topic for all hosts.
- Parameters:
topic – Topic to unsubscribe
SubscriberPool(std::string_view log_topic, std::function<void(MESSAGE&&)> callback)#