enum class constellation::protocol::Protocol : std::uint8_t#
Protocol Enum (excluding CHIRP)
enumerator CSCP1#
Constellation Satellite Control Protocol v1
enumerator CMDP1#
Constellation Monitoring Distribution Protocol v1
enumerator CDTP1#
Constellation Data Transmission Protocol v1
enumerator CHP1#
Constellation Heartbeat Protocol v1
enumerator CSCP1#
std::string_view constellation::protocol::get_protocol_identifier(Protocol protocol)#
Get protocol identifier string for CSCP, CMDP and CDTP protocols
- Parameters:
protocol – Protocol
- Returns:
Protocol identifier string in message header
Protocol constellation::protocol::get_protocol(std::string_view protocol_identifier)#
Get protocol from a protocol identifier string
- Parameters:
protocol_identifier – Protocol identifier string
- Returns:
inline std::string constellation::protocol::get_readable_protocol(std::string_view protocol_identifier)#
Get human-readable protocol identifier string for CSCP, CMDP and CDTP protocols
- Parameters:
protocol_identifier – Protocol identifier string
- Returns:
Protocol identifier string with byte version replaced to human-readable version
enum class constellation::protocol::CSCP::State : std::uint8_t#
Possible Satellite FSM states
enumerator NEW#
enumerator initializing#
enumerator INIT#
enumerator launching#
enumerator ORBIT#
enumerator landing#
enumerator reconfiguring#
enumerator starting#
enumerator RUN#
enumerator stopping#
enumerator interrupting#
enumerator SAFE#
enumerator ERROR#
enumerator NEW#
enum class constellation::protocol::CSCP::Transition : std::uint8_t#
Possible FSM transitions
enumerator initialize#
enumerator initialized#
enumerator launch#
enumerator launched#
enumerator land#
enumerator landed#
enumerator reconfigure#
enumerator reconfigured#
enumerator start#
enumerator started#
enumerator stop#
enumerator stopped#
enumerator interrupt#
enumerator interrupted#
enumerator failure#
enumerator initialize#
enum class constellation::protocol::CSCP::TransitionCommand : std::underlying_type_t<Transition>#
Possible transition commands via CSCP
enumerator initialize#
enumerator launch#
enumerator land#
enumerator reconfigure#
enumerator start#
enumerator stop#
enumerator _interrupt#
enumerator _failure#
enumerator initialize#
enum class constellation::protocol::CSCP::StandardCommand : std::underlying_type_t<TransitionCommand>#
Possible standard (non-transition) commands via CSCP
enumerator get_name#
enumerator get_version#
enumerator get_commands#
enumerator get_state#
enumerator get_status#
enumerator get_config#
enumerator get_run_id#
enumerator shutdown#
enumerator _get_commands#
enumerator _get_remotes#
enumerator _get_services#
enumerator get_name#
bool constellation::protocol::CSCP::is_shutdown_allowed(State state)#
Check if the CSCP shutdown command is allowed from a given state.
Shutdown is only allowed from NEW, INIT, SAFE and ERROR.
template<State... states>
bool constellation::protocol::CSCP::is_one_of_states(State state)# Check if given state is in one of template states list.
- Parameters:
state – State to check
- Returns:
True if
equals one of the states given in the template parameters
template<State... states>
static bool constellation::protocol::CSCP::is_not_one_of_states(State state)# Check if given state is not in one of template states list.
- Parameters:
state – State to check
- Returns:
True if
equals none of the states given in the template parameters
inline bool constellation::protocol::CSCP::is_valid_satellite_name(const std::string &satellite_name)#
Checks if a satellite name is valid.
A satellite name may contain alphanumeric characters and underscores and may not be empty.
inline bool constellation::protocol::CSCP::is_valid_run_id(const std::string &run_id)#
Checks if a run ID is valid.
A run ID may contain alphanumeric characters, underscores or dashes and may not be empty.
inline bool constellation::protocol::CSCP::is_valid_command_name(const std::string &command_name)#
Checks if a command name is valid.
A command may contain alphanumeric characters or underscores, and may not be empty or start with a digit.
static std::uint8_t constellation::protocol::CHP::Lives = 3#
Default lives for a remote on detection/replenishment